Once again, I find myself thinking back on the past few weeks and wondering, where has the time gone???
Tomorrow is December 11. Four months ago to the day, I left the Minneapolis airport with tear-stained cheeks and shaky confidence. I remember thinking, "I hope it goes fast." Part of me wished I could just fast-forward through those first few months, so that I could sit comfortably with a good 15 weeks under my belt, knowing that the weeks in Korea would quickly slip away from me in the blink of an eye.
Right now, I sometimes wish time would stand still. Every day seems to be over before it even begins. It is Monday morning, and I am walking to school...and then suddenly, it is Friday afternoon in the staff room, last class before school is over the week. The weekends, too, pass in what seems like moments (as they usually do for everyone, I suppose). There is so much to see, so much to take in, so many new streets and districts and corners of Seoul to explore...and suddenly, so little time...
The last few weeks have been a blur of stress, excitement, planning, decorating, evaluating, celebrating, preparing, and trying to find some time to sleep. Thanksgiving: missed the sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, and pumpkin pie at home...but oddly, it wasn't the biggest thing on my mind. Without any reminders or commercialization of Thanksgiving around me, it just didn't feel as though I was missing out on much- and going to work that day just felt like any other day (although I did award my students bonus stickers if they could tell me what "American holiday" it was that day!) Alan Teacher very graciously hosted a Thanksgiving meal of sorts at his apartment that weekend, for all the foreign teachers. Potluck style, and bring your own plate, cup, and chopsticks! We all chipped in for a few rotisserie chickens...which we were all pumped about, until we "carved" the chickens, took a few bites, and slowly realized that they tasted just like the processed hot dogs and other "meats" that Koreans love so much. Sorry Mom- couldn't eat that rotisserie chicken after comparing its taste to a processed Korean hot dog!
Like any good Thanksgiving, we piled our plates with salad (made by London Teacher), cheesy grits casserole (Alan Teacher- and truly, it was much better than it sounds), about 5 lbs of corn (Shauna Teacher- she overestimated our appetites for corn, just a bit) a most wonderful apple pie made by Michael Teacher! (with vanilla ice cream provided by yours truly)....and of course, a bottle of wine for each person. And if you give a bottle of wine to each person...then he or she will inevitably suggest a trip to noraebang later that night! Hot dog chicken, apple pie, and noraebang...that's a memorable Thanksgiving :)
Preparing for Christmas at school- which means Christmas decorations in my classroom!! I'll put up some pics of it soon. Cutting out reindeer, trees, and gingerbread houses in every spare second I have...I'm pretty sure I could do this for a living, just make themed decorations for classrooms! Aside from making decorations, I'm working on teaching my kinders "Jolly Old St. Nicholas" for the schoolwide Christmas song contest coming up. I'm feeling cautiously optimistic about the song contest this time...my class is pretty notorious for absolutely bombing their song performances when the moment comes...but they're learning the lyrics to this one pretty quickly! We had a whole CD of Christmas songs to choose from...but really, how do you even try to have a 5 year old whose first language is Korean memorize verses like, "don we now our gay apparel" (from "Deck the Halls")??
Last week I got a new kindergarten student- so I am now back up to 10 students. It's amazing how much the classroom dynamics change with the addition of just one more student! Her name is Julie, and she's impossibly tiny and light as a feather. She was very quiet last week, but this week she has opened up a bit and even started to play House with the other girls during Play Gym time (this game always starts with one girl asking, "who my baby? who my sister? who my mommy? who my puppy?" Translation: who would like to play a baby, and cry in a high-pitched voice? Who would like to be the sister, the mom, and the yipping little puppy? SAME THING every day!) It is stressful to have a new student- even if it's a nother 5 year old, it throws off the whole classroom routine and creates a lot more worries...I feel like I should be patroling the classroom all the time, making sure that everyone is being friendly and welcoming to her! It's hard to step back and realize that I can't control every situation...some interactions and socializing need to happen on their own, or these kids will never learn anything!
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