Can you find me?? :)

Time is continuing to fly...with every monthly paycheck now comes the shock that yet another 4 weeks have somehow passed...and the realization that our time here has now become a countdown.
Don't be fooled, though...time isn't flying because of the warm, enjoyable spring weather that encourages outdoor activities and exploration...quite the contrary. A few warmer, "springlike" days here and there, but for the most part, overcast skies and North Face jackets only.
I'm starting to feel the pressure that my days are numbered...and it kills me to know that there's still so much of Korea (let alone so much of Seoul) to still discover and explore. Lately I've also been quite worried about the inevitable, gloomy end to my days on the Korean diet...what will I do without my spicy red foods for all meals? Darren was asking me the other day what restaurants I'm excited to eat at when I come home...and absolutely nothing came to mind. I don't want any food from home! (no offense, Mom...please still feed me when I come home). Shauna, Christine and I have quite literally become addicted to bibimbap (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bibimbap), particularly the bibimbap from our favorite little Korean restaurant near school. The owners there, an older Korean couple, know us by name and love, love, love when we come in (which in recent months, has been just about every day). He even knows that Shauna doesn't like mushrooms in her bibimbap...and he will take care to serve it mushroom-less to her each time! I can't bear the thought of never being able to eat his bibimbap again!!
I've come to the recent conclusion that I love my new kindergarten students and am officially attached to them. We had a field trip to a car museum last week, and it was absolutely a blast to see them so excited and willing to explore every last exhibit. They amaze me every day- I just can't believe what personality they already have at this age! I find myself writing more and more about them every week, in the weekly reports to their parents...I feel like a proud parent myself, wanting to document their every clever comment and impressive feat. I can already tell that my last days with them are going to be extremely difficult...not looking forward to that much.
I've come to the recent conclusion that I love my new kindergarten students and am officially attached to them. We had a field trip to a car museum last week, and it was absolutely a blast to see them so excited and willing to explore every last exhibit. They amaze me every day- I just can't believe what personality they already have at this age! I find myself writing more and more about them every week, in the weekly reports to their parents...I feel like a proud parent myself, wanting to document their every clever comment and impressive feat. I can already tell that my last days with them are going to be extremely difficult...not looking forward to that much.
Like the fish market pictures above? Just say the words, and I will gladly send you the more detailed, much-too-disgusting-for-this-blog pictures of slimy, squirmy, unidentifiable sea creatures there. The whole set-up of the market was just insane- row after row of open tanks, buckets, and bins, filled to the brim with splashing sea life, in a giant warehouse. Fish, squid, octopi, shrimp, eels...anything under the sea that you can imagine. And perhaps the most frightening, forward Korean fishmongers that you can imagine! To three American girls, it felt like a giant funhouse...exciting, suspenseful, and disturbingly scary! We felt very much the outsiders, being the only non-Koreans in the entire market, and very obviously just tourists. Every single fishmonger at every single stall definitely attempted one or more of the following with us: a) hold up an octopus for us to look at, and then pretend to throw it in our faces when we actually got close enough to see, b) ask us if we were from Los Angeles (no), New York City, (nope), or Texas (ha!), c) or honestly try to sell us a live eel or whole octopus carcass. Um....did we really look like we were likely to buy an octopus carcass??
Frankly, I'm surprised we made it out of that market alive...intact...and not dripping wet from the splashing tanks, the octopi trying to escape from their tubs, or the fresh blood coating the warehouse floor. Lovely. Next time, not wearing my nicest pair of suede shoes...
This is just a short entry...hopefully more to come soon...but it's pretty late at night, and I have a big day of yet another kindergarten birthday tomorrow! Life is tough these days :)