I know I've been falling very behind in my blogging, but I can only blame it on the more tempting opportunities to experience everything Korean possible in these last five months...that and the fact that I've also been sick for the past few weeks! I'm pretty convinced my illness was the result of a combination of wonderful factors, including the delightful springtime phenomenon of "yellow dust." Basically, dust storms from China and Mongolia kick up intense clouds of dry soil particles which then collect a variety of harmful pollutants, including (but not limited to) the following: sulfur, soot, ash, carbon monoxide, mercury, chromium, arsenic, lead, zinc, and other carcinogens. But wait- the fun doesn't stop there! Also accompanying this airborne dust might be viruses, bacteria, fungi, pesticides, antibiotics, asbestos, herbicides, plastic ingredients, combustion products, and hormone-mimicking phthalates. Yellow dust has been found to aggravate asthma and cause sore throats and respiratory infections in "otherwise healthy people."
Not sure if I qualify as "otherwise healthy people," given my history of strange illnesses, but I'm pretty convinced that yellow dust has been a factor in keeping me sick these days...
Bridget: still sure you want to come visit Korea, bearing in mind all the wonderful pollutants floating around here? :D
Our Korean staff at school had informed us in the past few weeks that the government had issued a "yellow dust warning." I read in the Korean Times online that the entire Korean peninsula had experienced "its worst case of yellow dust ever recorded."
Well, excellent. Not only is Korea experiencing a much colder and snowier spring than usual, but it's also enjoying the effects of the worst case of yellow dust ever! Which leads me to my next point...
April: Snow. Wind. Temps in the 40s. And outdoor baseball. Is it Minnesota, 2010?
Sadly, it is KOREA! While Korea has been welcoming springtime torrents of yellow dust and snow flurries, Minnesota has been basking in 70 degree spring temperatures and actually enjoying (rather than freezing and suffering, while enjoying) the opening-day festivities of the Twins stadium and outdoor baseball season?
Rewind to last weekend: Britney is in Seoul, watching the LG Twins (truly, their name is the Twins...just to add to the irony here) take on the Doosan Bears. Outdoor stadium in Seoul. Temperatures hovering in the high 40s, wanting and waiting to dip back down into the 30s. Windy, cloudy, overcast, threatening rain. Many layers, and even wool socks, necessary.
Rewind to Monday in Minnesota: NOT freezing, as expected for MN in mid-April. NOT snowing, as expected for MN in mid-April. NOT even sleeting, or hailing, or blowing dangerously cold gusts of winds, also as expected for MN in mid-April.
Despite the difference in weather...and temperature...and airborne pollutants...at least both of our Twins won their games!
Not sure if I qualify as "otherwise healthy people," given my history of strange illnesses, but I'm pretty convinced that yellow dust has been a factor in keeping me sick these days...
Bridget: still sure you want to come visit Korea, bearing in mind all the wonderful pollutants floating around here? :D
Our Korean staff at school had informed us in the past few weeks that the government had issued a "yellow dust warning." I read in the Korean Times online that the entire Korean peninsula had experienced "its worst case of yellow dust ever recorded."
Well, excellent. Not only is Korea experiencing a much colder and snowier spring than usual, but it's also enjoying the effects of the worst case of yellow dust ever! Which leads me to my next point...
April: Snow. Wind. Temps in the 40s. And outdoor baseball. Is it Minnesota, 2010?
Sadly, it is KOREA! While Korea has been welcoming springtime torrents of yellow dust and snow flurries, Minnesota has been basking in 70 degree spring temperatures and actually enjoying (rather than freezing and suffering, while enjoying) the opening-day festivities of the Twins stadium and outdoor baseball season?
Rewind to last weekend: Britney is in Seoul, watching the LG Twins (truly, their name is the Twins...just to add to the irony here) take on the Doosan Bears. Outdoor stadium in Seoul. Temperatures hovering in the high 40s, wanting and waiting to dip back down into the 30s. Windy, cloudy, overcast, threatening rain. Many layers, and even wool socks, necessary.
Rewind to Monday in Minnesota: NOT freezing, as expected for MN in mid-April. NOT snowing, as expected for MN in mid-April. NOT even sleeting, or hailing, or blowing dangerously cold gusts of winds, also as expected for MN in mid-April.
Despite the difference in weather...and temperature...and airborne pollutants...at least both of our Twins won their games!
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